If you are interested in the field of applied mechanics, materials science and engineering, MDSolids is what you are looking for. It is a great program that allows you to understand the relationship between the mechanical behavior of materials and their structures.
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Pearson’s Crystal Data is a crystallographic database published by ASM International. It contains crystal structures of a large variety of inorganic materials and compunds, edited by P.
Villars and K. It contains 288,850 structural data sets (including atom coordinates and displacement parameters, when determined) for about 165,300 different chemical formulas, roughly 18,300 experimental powder diffraction patterns and about 271,000 calculated patterns (interplanar spacings, intensities, Miller indices). PLECS (Piecewise Linear Electrical Circuit Simulation) can be applied to many disciplines of power electronics engineering.
PLECS facilitates the modeling and simulation of complete systems, including power sources, power converters, and loads. How to commit graphs to e2d3 for macro. Included with PLECS is a comprehensive component library, which covers the electrical, as well as the magnetic, thermal, and mechanical aspects of power conversion systems and their controls.Power electronics circuits are captured with a schematic editor in a way that is familiar and intuitive for electrical engineers. Typical power electronics components such as semiconductors, inductors and capacitors are placed on the circuit diagram and simply connected by drawing wires.
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Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, very high level dynamic data types, and classes. Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various window systems, and is extensible in C or C++.
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MDSolids is educational software designed to assist engineering students in the introductory mechanics of materials course. MDSolids explains and solves a wide variety of engineering problems commonly found in the mechanics of materials course.
MDSolids is also very useful to the practicing engineer who is needs a quick, easy-to-use tool for basic engineering calculations. MDSolids has routines pertaining to all of the topics taught in a typical mechanics of materials course. Twelve modules pertaining to a wide range of common textbook problems are presently available: basic stress and strain concepts, trusses, statically indeterminate axial structures, torsion, determinate beams, section properties, general analysis (of axial, torsion, and beam members), combined loadings, column buckling, pressure vessels, and Mohr's circle transformations. Within the modules, each routine solves types of problems typically found in all mechanics of materials textbooks. Each MDSolids routine features a picture, sketch, or plot that graphically depicts important aspects of the problem.