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Spruce up your folders with Folder Marker Free A freeware add-on for Windows lets you mark folders with color-coded icons to make a search for important information a 'one-glance' affair. Folder icons can be customized using the standard Windows method, but with Folder Marker Free you can do this on the fly from the right-click menu of a folder. So there is no need to go through additional dialogs or run Folder Marker Free itself! Simply select the folder you want to mark, right-click on its icon and select a color-coded icon from the drop-down menu. The icon will be assigned to the folder at once.
With the same simplicity, you can mark several folders. Simply select a group of folders with the mouse and assign a new icon from the right-click menu. Another great option is an ability to add up to ten icons of your choice to Folder Marker and use them in marking along with the default icons. The program can assign icons to a folder from a wide array file formats, including ICO, ICL, EXE, DLL, CPL or BMP. This edition of Folder Marker contains only basic functions so it is good for beginners. You can compare Folder Marker Free with other editions of Folder Marker. Main window: Key features: • Folder Marker can change a folder icon with one mouse click • Folder Marker can mark folders by priority (high, normal, low), by degree of work complete (done, half-done, planned) and by the type of the information contained in a folder (work files, important files, temp files, private files).
Excellence pe. Rmeates throughout COA Performing Arts Center, from the box office, to the sets, the sound, the directing, music and acting! We recently attended “Arsenic and Old Lace”, which is one of our favorite films, you all did an outstanding job bringing it to the stage! CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - More than a dozen high school football players from the Lowcountry were selected to represent the South in the annual Touchstone Energy Cooperatives Bowl (formerly the North-South Game). The Coast will be well represented in the Mississippi Association of Coaches’ All-Star Volleyball game. Hancock leads the way with three All-Star selections for the July 19th contest, which will. How are players chosen for the masters.
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• Folder Marker can change a folder's color • Folder Marker changes folder icons from a popup menu of the folders. To mark a folder, you don't even need to run the program!
• Folder Marker's menu can contain convenient category submenus. • Folder Marker contains a User Icons tab. Add up to 10 of your favorite icons and mark folders with them.