For a brief moment on June 10th, it seemed like Apple was going to support notification syncing between your iPhone and your Mac. It seemed like they said if you got, say, a New York Times push notification on your phone, you could get it on your Mac as well. Quicken 2018 for Mac Review – Now with Bill Payment. Rating: 8 /10. Review of: Quicken for Mac. Reviewed by: Larry Ludwig. Last modified: June 20, 2018. While a step up from previous versions, Quicken 2018 for Mac still falls short of the gold standard, Quicken for Windows. The improvement to the investment section in 2018 is a welcome addition. For Mac users: Beware the High Sierra operating system. There is nothing wrong with this latest, greatest OS as long as your Mac has a solid state hard drive. With solid state, High Sierra is lightning-fast and the best thing to come along since floppy drives.
While I have no hands on experience with Shredit, it would seem to do what you require of it. At $20.00 for a one time shot, it should! Under OS 9 you can initialize the disk and if you choose functions from the menu bar, you can zero all the data on the drive. Do this a couple of time and you will have destroyed everything on the drive. Updated deck tracker for mac. Of course, the above only works if you are erasing an external drive or an internal from which you are NOT booted.
Sometimes the best course of action, if you are getting rid of the machine, is to remove the drive altogether. Which Mac is it that you have? It's an iMac and it's not mine.
It belongs to a relative. I know nothing about Macs and they know possibly even less.
Opinion Formation Attitudes
They only use the computer for the very basics: reading of emails and typing up letters. I tried to download a program called Kill Disk while I was there, but could not tell if the program actually downloaded, not knowing how that works on that particular type of computer. They had no clue how to tell and could not find their manual for me to look at to try and figure it out. The computer had a terrible time going to any sites as the pages would not render well. 'Of course, the above only works if you are erasing an external drive or an internal from which you are NOT booted.' Not sure what you mean, but the drive is the normal drive in a computer. Not an external one.
Any thoughts on Kill Disk? Any particular version of Norton that I could suggest to them? Thanks so much for all the help.
Mdp 1.2 to hdmi active adapter for mac. KillDisk is a DOS program that will kill ALL information on any mounted disk. It will not work on a Mac. The reason that this machine is having great difficulty rendering websites is because it is using a very old version of the Mac OS, Internet Explorer, Java Runtime.
Basically everything is out of date. I guess the real question is; what are you trying to achieve with the wipe out of the disk? This old iMac, if it is as old as you suggest, probably has 32 or 64 MB of Ram and a 4 Gb hard drive. You indicated that it is running OS 9 which has not been updated for the last 7 years.
While this machine will do email easily, it will not perform well on most websites. To find out exactly how much RAM it has, HD size, processor speed, etc., you can check using the System Profiler. You will find this under the Apple Menu, top left corner of the screen. On the subject of erasing a drive using Shredit or KillDisk. The computer normally uses an internal HD to startup from (Boot), by reading the Operating System that is installed on it. (OS 9, in this case) Once the machine has started up, it will not allow you to remove the Operating System from the HD because the computer is using it to run.
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To overcome this, you have to boot the machine from an alternative source. External HD, Floppy disk (Not fitted on Mac's) or CD. Now the OS on the HD is not being used and the entire drive can be erased without a problem.
Opinion Format
Once again, before you do this dastardly deed, what is the overall plan? I'm not sure you actually understand exactly what it is that you are trying to do. As I mentioned, you cannot erase the disk from which you are booted. This applies to Windows and Mac.